
Review: BBT S2E14 The Financial Permeability - Part 2

Part 2 - Sheldon’s Financial situation in Season 2 Penny’s money “troubles” are frequently discussed and sometimes paraded for humorous effect. However, what is perhaps more interesting about this episode is what Sheldon says about his own finances. “My expenses account for 46.9% of my after-tax income. The rest is divvied up between a small savings account, this deceptive container of peanut brittle and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure who shall remain nameless for his own protection. Or her own protection.” Let’s put together some estimates … Income assumptions Glassdoor reports that a theoretical physicist at Caltech make around $190K per year[1]. Given Sheldon’s statement is relatively early in the show run - season 2 out of 12 total seasons - this estimate could be accurate given Sheldon’s experience and apparent stature in his field of study. Tax estimators online such as give an estimate of $123K after state and federal taxes. However, ...

Review: BBT S2E14 The Financial Permeability - Part 1

Part 1 - Penny’s debt crisis Penny runs into Sheldon’s apartment as he returns home by himself. She is hiding from the building manager because she can’t pay her rent. Apparently she has had extra bills recently due to her car breaking down ($1200) and the restaurant cutting her hours. “You know it occurs to me. You could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.” “Yes … it occurs to me too.” Sheldon offers to loan Penny money, at which she is taken aback and appears unsure of whether or not she should accept. Eventually she does borrow the money, but mumbles as she leaves “I’m regretting this already.” During the course of the episode this borrower/lender dynamic causes Penny to be uncomfortable around the guys as she receives delivery of a beret that she had previously ordered online, and eats $14 takeout in their apartment. Penny reacts to this overspending by becoming defensive, yelling at Sheldon and Raj. Later Penny reveals to Leonard that her plan when coming to...

Reflection on Criticism

Theodore Roosevelt famously stated that "it is not the critic who counts", and while his speech was delivered in the context of the behavior and role of citizens in a republic it has been repeated widely in divers contexts. I present it here, as a way of reminding us all and primarily myself, that criticism is not the highest form of societal contribution. Rather, its merit is only measured by the value it brings to those who hear it. For a finance blog, the value of any critique could be directly measured in the value it brings to readers. And yet, why not have a little fun along the way with reviews, interpretations and considerations of popular representations of financial situations! Welcome to the arena! The larger quote: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood...

Review: BBT S1E1 Pilot

Infamously, the aired pilot of the Big Bang Theory was a heavily revised version of a previous attempt almost a year earlier. Even so, it's interesting to note that not all mistakes were fixed in this reworked version. This highlights the magic of story: character flaws and growth make us love the characters more as we identify with their charisma and mistakes both. Amongst the many other flaws that we'll come to love over the 12 seasons of BBT, in this first episode we are introduced to the cadre of characters that make up the main cast - as well as their financial ineptitude. Somewhat ironically, a pair of Girl Scouts are shown outwitting Sheldon and Leonard in the pursuit of their financial endeavors. Yet, through all the financial mistakes in this episode and in future episodes, we the audience see our own mistakes anew. Whereby, through the process of seeing our favorite characters recover, we process our mistakes and forgive ourselves in order to move forward once more. W...